About Kidnation Playgrounds

At KIDNATION Playgrounds, we believe in play for ALL kids with ALL abilities. We design our playgrounds with each user and their different skills in mind. By aligning ourselves with top CANADIAN manufacturers, we are able to provide affordable and engaging playgrounds without sacrificing quality. With years of experience in playground design and safety, you can be assured that your play space will meet all safety standards and will be built to last. Our goal is to design a well rounded play space that has no limit to your children's imaginations. Size and budget do not matter - if you can dream it, we can build it!

Playgrounds not only give kids a safe place to be active and have fun, they give them opportunities to transfer skills learned at home and in school in unstructured environments. They are a place where friendships are made and problem solving begins, just by engaging in free play. Playgrounds connect families within their communities and foster support and acceptance. At Kidnation Playgrounds, we are proud to be a part of building and supporting communities through the playgrounds that we design and build.

It is important to our team that the process of designing and installing playgrounds is fun. Our skilled staff will work with you to ensure you get the play space that fits your vision and your budget. We will assist you with grants and fundraising ideas for your project. You have worked hard to get to this point in your project planning - let us help you from here! We offer knowledgeable, full certified install supervisors for volunteer installations or we can build it for you with our turnkey services. No matter the option you choose, we strive to make it as seamless as possible.

At Kidnation Playgrounds, we can help you with any play space you are planning. From playgrounds, site furnishings and shelters to outdoor classrooms, sports equipment and even dog parks, we've got you covered. Call Kidnation Playgrounds today to discuss your project.

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We sell and install Canadian manufactured playground equipment

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